We are a company dedicated to promoting health and increasing the productivity of organizations and their employees through the application of modern Disability Management practices (Canadian model of disability management) with a focus on individual skills and capabilities.
Olimpia Oliveira
Master's student in Disability Management at the University of Northern British Columbia (Canada).
Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Maranhão.
Specialist in Medical Expertise by ABMLPM.
Postgraduate in Occupational Medicine.
Technical Assistant in labor judicial expertise.
Elisangela Rocha
Administrator graduated 21 years ago from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) with specialization in the area of General Management and Planning.
Experience of over 4 years in the area of Human Resources, Health and Safety at Work.
10 years experience in the Administrative-Pedagogical area in Distance Education at higher level and Technical Education at secondary level.
Experience in Consulting in the administrative field for clinics of the most diverse specialties.
Olimpia Oliveira
Master's student in Disability Management at the University of Northern British Columbia (Canada).
Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Maranhão.
Specialist in Medical Expertise by ABMLPM.
Postgraduate in Occupational Medicine.
Technical Assistant in labor judicial expertise.